

Where to find more information: FTDNA’s FAQ pages will probably have the answer to many if not most of your questions.


English language blogs on DNA genealogy recommended:

On testing and results

The Genetic Genealogist by Blaine Bettinger

Your Genetic By CeCe Moore.

Cruwys News by Debbie Cruwys Kennett

AdoptionDNA by CeCe Moore and others.

DNA Genealogy: An Adoptee Follows the DNA Trail to her Ancestors. By Kasandra Rose.

On DNA Research

Dienekes’ Anthroplogy Blog By Dienekes Pontikos

Mailing lists

Click the links and find subscribe. Note that the lists generate a lot of emails!

Rootsweb DNA general

Rootsweb DNA newbie for beginners

Rootsweb I Y-haplogroup

Yahoo R1b-U106

Yahoo I2-M223


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