Have you done the Full Mitochondrial Sequence (FMS)? Are you still “just” H, V, T2 – or other udefined groups? Maybe no one has done any research on just your specific mtDNA mutations yet.
For the scientists to evaluate all possible SNPs found in your sequence and define new haplogroups/subclades, they need access to more data.
Submit to GenBank to contribute to research
Everyone with a Full Sequence test (FMS, FGS, “Mega”) can submit their results to GenBank and contribute to research.
You need to log in and download your mtDNA results as FASTA-file. Send it to Ian Logan, who will help you to continue the process.
Detailed description here: Ian Logan’s website.
Donate your sequence to mtDNA-research via FTDNA
Testers who have done the mtDNA full sequence test (FMS) at FTDNA are asked to fill in a “New Survey”.
Fill in countries of origin, languages etc for your ancestors.
If you already donated to GenBank please also fill in GenBank accession number.
Then they ask permission to use your results in research of new haplogroups, and to be allowed to release your sequence with national origin to the public GenBank database. This happens if they use your sequence in a future scientific paper.
You will contribute to the discovery of further subclades of mt-DNA.
Results will be accessible to researchers worldwide. Your results are anonymous, only the contact person at GenBank/FTDNA will know who you are.
Behar et al published a paper in 2012 based on donated sequences to FTDNA.
Phylotree which defines all named subclades also uses results from GenBank to discover new clades.