DNA-tests are a primary source

Securing sources for the future: An appeal to all genealogists How often have you in your genealogy work been frustrated over missing sources: church records that are lost, photo albums and private archives someone decided to throw away. Have you ever considered that DNA is a source just like these? What if your descendants a hundred years from now are wondering why you, a genealogist, did not secure the DNA from uncle Einar and grandma…

A test?

What do you refer to when you say “A Test” or “The Test”? The test kit with swabs and vials that you get in the mail to submit back to the FTDNA lab. The test kit has a kit number and is linked to one person. The biological sample (cells) from the swabbing, which will be analysed by the laboratory. It is linked to the kit number of the account for one person. If the…

Norway DNA Project

Everyone with known Norwegian ancestry should join our national DNA project. By joining you contribute to our knowledge about haplogroup distribution in Norway. The statistics can only show results from members, so it is essential that as many as possible of the testers with a Norwegian ancestry join. Our lists of Y- and mtDNA results are an important source for Norwegian genealogy research. The lists show names, years and place for the earliest known direct…

Transfer from Genographic now!

Genographic-project is now shutting down! To those who has tested at the project or know anyone who has, now is the time to transfer! Heres more about the issue: Genographic prepares to shut down! We wish all Norwegian Genographic-testers and Geno 2.0 testers to join Norway DNA. Read more about how to transfer results and join! Many Norwegians and others with Norwegian ancestry participated in the first Genographic-project which was a collaboration between National Geographic and…

Not tested yet?

If you are interested in testing, you can order a new test here, directly from The Norway DNA Project. We usually recommend: 1) for direct paternal lines: minimum Y37, preferably Y67 2) for direct maternal lines: full mt-test FMS 3) for closer relatives in all lines: Family Finder Read more about different types of test on our webpage, click the links or see the menu. It can also be useful to check who is the…

Transfer from 23andMe or Ancestry for free!

Updated 17 Feb 2017 Family Tree DNA is now allowing people that have taken an AncestryDNA or 23andMe (V3 and newer) test to transfer their raw data to the Family Finder database for FREE by visiting www.familytreedna.com/AutosomalTransfer! For 23andMe-testers: Only versions from v3 starting November 2010 can be transferred. The older V1 and V2 are not compatible with FTDNA’s Family Finder.   Note: Autosomal raw data cannot be transferred to an account that already has Family Finder…