DNA-testing som dokumentasjonsprosjekt

Å sikre kilder for ettertiden: En appell til alle slektsgranskere Hvor ofte har du i slektsgranskingen vært frustert over manglende kilder: kirkebøker som har blitt borte i brann, eller fotoalbumer og privatarkiv som noen fant ut at de ville kaste. Har du tenkt over at DNA er en kilde på lik linje med disse? Hva om dine etterkommere sitter om hundre år og lurer på hvorfor du som slektsgransker ikke sørget for at det ble…

DNA-tests are a primary source

Securing sources for the future: An appeal to all genealogists How often have you in your genealogy work been frustrated over missing sources: church records that are lost, photo albums and private archives someone decided to throw away. Have you ever considered that DNA is a source just like these? What if your descendants a hundred years from now are wondering why you, a genealogist, did not secure the DNA from uncle Einar and grandma…

Norway DNA Project

Everyone with known Norwegian ancestry should join our national DNA project. By joining you contribute to our knowledge about haplogroup distribution in Norway. The statistics can only show results from members, so it is essential that as many as possible of the testers with a Norwegian ancestry join. Our lists of Y- and mtDNA results are an important source for Norwegian genealogy research. The lists show names, years and place for the earliest known direct…

Y-DNA Sale over

Finally another sale for Y-DNA tests! The Sale started today 28. Aug 2014 – last day is 3 Sep. Sale prices: Y37 $129 Y67 $199 Y111 $279 Y-combinations at discount rate Order directly from our project page: Norgesprosjektet DNA